Agreement on Contracts

Agreement on Contracts: The Importance of Clear Communication

Contracts are an essential part of any business venture, outlining the terms and conditions of an agreement between two or more parties. Whether it’s a simple purchase agreement or a complex joint venture, contracts are legally binding documents that must be followed by all parties involved. A poorly drafted contract can result in confusion, misunderstandings, and even legal disputes. Clear communication is key to achieving agreement on contracts.

The Importance of Defining Terms

One of the most important aspects of any contract is defining the terms used within the agreement. Ambiguity can lead to misinterpretation, resulting in disagreements over what was initially understood to be agreed upon. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that all parties involved have a shared understanding of the terminology used within the contract.

For instance, if the contract references a “completion date,” it’s essential to clarify what constitutes completion. Does the work need to be 100% finished, or is a certain level of completion acceptable? Is there a specific deadline for the completion date? By clearly defining terms, both parties can avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.

The Importance of Specificity

Another important factor to consider is the specificity of the agreement. Contracts should be precise and cover all potential scenarios that may arise. This may include outlining payment terms, project timelines, deliverables, and any specific legal requirements.

For instance, if a contract involves intellectual property, all parties should be clear on the specific intellectual property covered under the agreement. Are patents, trademarks, or copyrights being transferred or licensed, and for what specific uses? By ensuring specificity, both parties can be confident in the scope of their agreement, and there should be no misunderstandings, as expectations are clear.

The Importance of Communication

Ultimately, clear communication is essential for achieving agreement on contracts. This means not only clear communication within the contract but also between all parties involved. This may include phone calls, emails, or in-person meetings to clarify any questions or concerns that may arise.

Effective communication is especially important during the negotiation period of a contract. This is the time when any discrepancies or uncertainties should be addressed to ensure both parties are on the same page. It is also a time to negotiate and come up with mutually acceptable terms.


Contracts are essential tools for securing business agreements. However, for them to be effective, both parties must be clear on the terms, definitions, and specifics of the contract, as well as maintain open communication throughout the process. With clear communication and effective contract writing, both parties can be confident in their legal agreement.